Weekly Winners –week 30

It was my birthday on Monday. I am 42 now. I bought a new laptop as my gift.


And just in time because this happened to the old one as I was finishing transferring things 721-6

The clones called for a moment of silence in memory of the Compaq 722-7

DH gave me roses DSC_4820 720

I made a discovery.

You know the monster that is hiding under the bed, just waiting to grab your ankles, so you have to jump into & out of bed 3 feet away?(Or am I alone in that?) It’s real!


And it’s cute! DSC_4828

Please visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom for more Weekly Winners


  1. I adore your pictures and am seethingly jealous of your lappy. I need a laptop.

  2. New laptop! Congrats! And I LOVE that rose. Especially the first photo.

  3. I love your screensaver! What a happy birthday present! Also, great looking toes:) I wish I had toes that looked like that!LOL Have a great week with your new laptop!

  4. Happy Birthday! Great new laptop! I love the rose photos!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and I ♥ the rose photos - stunning

  6. Yay for the new laptop! The picture of the clones having their moment of silence cracked me up :)

  7. Happy birthday!! I'm 42 as well - it's not really that bad, is it?

  8. 42 is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, so it is a pretty cool age. I am enjoying it :) Kitty pics always get me. The clones are very funny.

  9. Great photos - love the roses!
    Congratulations on your birthday - and what a fantastic choice for a gift! :)


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