The Saturday Scan

Sr Caroline_Rose Wetzel_GGFsister

This is Sister Mary Caroline, born Rose Wetzel. She is my great great grandfather’s older sister. She joined the Order of St Francis in 1890. This photo was taken about 10 years later.  I don’t know anything else about her. 


  1. hmm... I have much family in southeastern Ohio with the surname Writezel (actually I probably spelled it wrong but that's it phonetically).
    I need to go digging through the basement at the old house, see what photos I can scare up. The only one I brought with me to the new house is my grandmother at 25ish. At least you seem to have names for a good chunk of them- better off than mine.

  2. How interesting. I love old photos because there is a whole story there and whole life and whole person. Must to be imagined.


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