All About Me topic suggestions

This is the list I came up with after all my searching this weekend. I tried to limit the overlap but there still is some there. I’m not doing pages on all of them but I think it is a good start point of ideas. I may end up using it more as a list of things for my 365 Project rather than do them all as scrapbook pages, then put together a photo book that is a mix of both.

Opening Pages            


            Vital Statistics          

            Your Name  

            Your Birth Sign        

Family Members                     



            Siblings (could be several pages)

            Grandparents (could be several pages)

            Extended family (could be several pages)

            Family Tree    

            Ancestors (could be several pages)

Childhood Memories                    



            Childhood        (could be several pages)

            Birthdays         (could be several pages)

            Vacations/Holidays            (could be several pages)

            Teen Years   (could be several pages)

            Education        (could be several pages)

            Childhood Friends            (could be several pages)

            Childhood Home         


            First Car     

            First Job      



            Favorite Music           

            Pets            (could be several pages)

            Major News Events            (could be several pages)

            Crushes You Had            (could be several pages)

Current Life                   

            Your Significant Other

            Your current or recent Jobs

            Home Now

            Hometown Now

            Places You Have Lived (could be several pages)

            Your Family Now (could be several pages)

            Thoughts on Motherhood

            Faith & Spirituality

            Hopes & Dreams

            Fears & Worries


            Your Body & How You Feel About it

            Hair & Clothing

            Pets Now

            Pieces of Me

            Current Car or other Cars  (could be several pages)

            Daily Routine

            What You Do to Relax


            Describe Yourself Today - Right Now

            Current Friends (could be several pages)

            Hobbies (could be several pages)

            Interests (could be several pages)

            Obsessions (could be several pages)

            Things You Collect (could be several pages)

            Habits Good & Bad (could be several pages)

            A Letter to Your Past Self

            Groups & Organizations


            What is in the News  (could be several pages)

            Sports You Play

            Gadgets You Love

            Thoughts on Housework

            What Has Changed about You in 10 Years

            What is in My Purse

            What is on My Dresser

            What is on My Bookshelf

            Your Week in a Glance

            Letter to the Future You

Lists of Things (choose a number of items to list)

            # of Random Thoughts (your age is good for this)

            # of Your Top Achievements or Triumphs

            # of Confessions

            # of Things You Love about You

            # of Things You would Change about You

            # of Favorite Things



                        tv shows




            # of Things You Always have with You

            # of Things You are Grateful For

            # of Things You Still Want to Do

            # of Things You Have Done

            # of Ask & Answer Questions (get someone to make you a list of questions)


  1. love the idea...and it was great even reading this list. Brings up some great (and embarrassing) memories. LOL.

  2. That looks really great! And you are so organized with it all!

  3. Lovely idea - but my, what a list!! I'm feeling slightly daunted by it lol...

    Just wanted to say 'Hi' and that I look forward to seeing you in class (BFS) :-)

    (Oh, and that at first, I tried to read the address of your blog as 'Havo Candy Mayhem' lol - think that says something about my sweet tooth!!)

  4. Wow that's some list there, wishing you luck with this project!

  5. What a great list! I did an All About Me book a few years ago, but I've been thinking of revisiting it, digitally. You've given me a great start, so THANKS! :)

  6. Oh my these are fabulous - thanks for listing them. Have a great day! Kim (pkstew2 @ SSD)

  7. great ideas!


  8. some great headings there! Could make a fabulous 365 project.


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