The year that was

I recap in data. I’m a data geek & I like having numbers. It’s easier for me to grasp than prose.

Statistics for 2009

Photos taken – 6089 (holy crap!)

Times I said “Leave your brother alone” – 4,988

Times I said “Back away from the TV” – 4,635

Times I said “What did I just say?”  - 4,631

Photos tagged – 365 (I only had one tag but I used it religiously)

Days I had Cheerios & coffee for breakfast – 361 (It’s not monotony. It’s regularity)

Nights I had to be medicated to sleep - 341

Meals planned - 260

Blog posts written - 228

Layouts scrapped – 178

Meals actually made from the plans - 157

Books read – 98 (missing my 100 book goal by 2)

Books reread – 63

Body Pump classes taken – 58

Audio books listened to - 36

Crochet projects finished – 14

Slices Di Carlos’ pizza eaten – 10 (I wish it were more)

Cats currently being fed by us - 7

Times my internet tower collapsed – 3

Fillings lost – 2

Bewb squishings – 1

Comments left on my blog – too many to easily count. Thank you all for being in my life this past year.


  1. what did you have for breakfast on the other 4 days? New Year greetings from another number geek

  2. What a great list! I especially like your first five and last one!

  3. Come on, pick too small books and knock those out today, so you can reach that 100 goal :) Great list! Happy new year!

  4. oooh! What a cool recap!! Looks like you were busy this year! LOL!

  5. hahahahahahahahahahaha

    Love this Stacey!! So funny!

  6. That's some list! I wish you all a very Happy and List-filled New Year!

  7. Damn, I should have saved my stats-based post for year end instead of a Christmas recap.

  8. OK - this made me laugh! Bewb squishings??

    Happy new year!

  9. oh i love lists. i just heard there is an exhibit somewhere in paris that is all about lists. sounds like heaven to me.....

    98 books in a year -- very impressive

  10. WOW, those are some crazy numbers you keep track of

  11. WOW, those are some crazy numbers you keep track of


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