101 degrees today

Ear infection

Iffy internet connection.

Pool that needs to be scrubbed before being refilled

Packing before a trip

Tracking down people I need to call

Errands that need to be run before we leave

Chores that need completed

Three new books arriving today

DH once again working until 10pm

Wordy, interesting blog posts are unlikely this week.


I tried to do this as haikus for some reason or other.

Like a part of my high school brain suddenly reemerged from Sister Joan’s English class and panicked – Must write haiku assignment!!!

Because I cannot think of a single reason why my current brain would think haiku writing was a good idea.

I can’t write a haiku to save my life.

I considered breaking up those sentences and calling it free verse


that needs scrubbed

before refilling.

Because that is as close as I get to poetry, but I figured that would just look confusing.

The heat must be affecting my brain for me to be thinking about poetry. Even in the air conditioning.

Hopefully I’ll have something more coherent tomorrow


  1. Tess @ Six Feet Under blogJuly 6, 2010 at 6:36 AM

    I've seen too many of those days! lol . Hope everything works out.

  2. OK - I just spent like 5 minutes trying to word my comment into a haiku.

    I've decided haikus are overrated.

  3. Making poetry from to-do lists! That's like making lemonade from lemons.

  4. Incoherent poetry is good :-)

    Weekly Winners are good :-)

    Book reviews are good :-)

    Finally having time to catch up on your blog is VERY good :-)

  5. Sounds far too hot to me. Not sure I'd be able o function at all.

  6. You usually try to be coherent? Huh, you learn something new every day.

  7. lol - Good luck on your to do list!


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