After school treats

For the ill prepared.

Chocolate crackers

1. Realize you have a lot of graham crackers left over from the cookout.

2. Remember there was a cookie recipe for them in one of those mysteries with the really annoying sleuth that you have been reading & you copied it. Find it.

3. Lay out graham crackers on foil lined pan


4. Start 2 sticks of butter melting


5. Get one cup brown sugar

  a. Realize there is no brown sugar in the house because *someone* (I’m looking at you DH) made cookies last week and did not tell you they used all the brown sugar

  b. Google ‘brown sugar substitutes’ and find many proportional variations of ‘add molasses to white sugar’. Debate between 2t to 1 cup and .25c to 1 cup

  c. Realize you aren’t just making cookies, you are also making blog fodder. Get your camera & channel the Pioneer Woman.

6. Remove 1T butter from pan. Add 1 cup white sugar and 1T molasses.


Stir until melted together, bring to a boil and stir constantly for 5 minutes.


7. Decide that what you really want for Christmas is a tripod and a well lit kitchen

8. Pour this mixture over the graham crackers and spread evenly. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.


9. Spend 1 minute gathering some toppings.


Spend the remaining 9 minutes on a ‘just the right sized container’ quest to hold all  your jars of toppings & colored sugar.

10. Remove pan from the oven and sprinkle 2 cups of chocolate chips over it all. Let them soften for a minute or two and then spread the melting chocolate evenly over the crackers


11. Sprinkle with toppings if you have people in your house that are partial to that sort of thing


12. Wait about 10 minutes for it to cool a bit then stick in fridge to chill for 2-3 hours.

      a. Damn!


b. rearrange fridge


13. Once it is hardened, pull the foil off the back and break into pieces


oh look! the quality control inspectors have arrived!


14. Taste one.

     a. OMG that is sweet!

15. Debate what sized sugar rush effects you want to deal with and resize the cookies


16. Referee the inevitable fighting


These are really good and really sweet. OMG sweet. One small cookie is plenty.

I might make them with 1/4 less sugar next time for comparison.


Chocolate crackers (from one of Joanne Fluke’s books)

2 sticks butter (1 cup)

1 cup packed brown sugar

1 inner package of graham crackers (enough to cover a foil lined 10x15 rimmed baking sheet)

1 foil lined 10x15 rimmed baking sheet

2 cups chocolate chips

toppings optional

Lay out graham crackers on foil lined pan

Start 2 sticks of butter melting

Add one cup brown sugar, stir until melted together, bring to a boil and stir constantly for 5 minutes.

Pour this mixture over the graham crackers and spread evenly. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes

Remove from the oven and sprinkle 2 cups of chocolate chip over it all. Let them soften for a minute or two and then spread the melting chocolate evenly over the crackers

Wait about 10 minutes for it to cool a bit then stick in fridge to chill for 2-3 hours.

Once it is hardened, pull the foil off the back and break into pieces


  1. Cute post! Looks like a yummy treat...kind of like Christmas Crack only with graham crackers instead of saltines.

    Stopping by via SITS!

  2. I found you on blogfrog. These look really good and I have the ingrediants on hand so definitely going to give it a try. I have a question though. How did you get an ad from blogher on your site? I'm on blogher as well but have never seen anything about adding an ad to my blog.

  3. Stacey this is such a fun post! Thanks for the good recipe. We call this stuff "Millionaires' Shortbread" here - and we use a shortbread biscuit base. We don't have Graham Crackers (well I've never found them), so I normally substitute Digestive Biscuits, as they seem to be the closest thing. Problem - for this recipe, you need rectangles or squares... Digestive Biscuits are ROUND!!! Hmmm... smash 'em up and mix with melted butter, like a biscuit base for cheesecake? OR use rectangular biscuits? I think I will look for rectangles or square Shortbread Biscuits and use those. Then it will be "Millionaires' Shortbread" for real! ("Millionaires' Nice Biscuits"... "Millionaires' Rich Tea Fingers"... "Millionaires' Morning Coffee"... Nope! None of those Sound Right! It'll have to be Shortbread!!!)

    Tell the dino's I hope they left a few for the Boys!

  4. Oh that sounds good! They come home SO hungry from school - gah! And lol at Fridge mine usually looks the same, try to remember to clean before grocery store but usually doesn't happen then come home and get frustrated, lol.

  5. Love he dino pictures - haven't seen them in a while.

  6. OMG. What is a Weight Watchers meltdown just waiting to happen. Good thing I'm due for one of those!

  7. I love that you have dinosaurs fighting over your cookies!

  8. thank you, I needed something to make for the College Feed at church Sunday! Love your storytelling esp the fridge and dinos :)

  9. These look so delicious and fun to make. Just love the quality contor inspectors, how funny! I bet these wouild do well in the freezer too, if you could save enough to freeze some.

  10. Ok, (A) that looks awesome and (B) your nail polish kicks ass!

    Followed you from blogfrog, and I'm glad I did. Stop by and see me sometime!
    Take care.


  11. Loving your channeling of your inner Pioneer Woman!! And I may just have to try this recipe one day soon. I'm always looking for snack ideas for the kids. Right now, they're on a kick of eating graham crackers which have been covered by Nutella. Same concept as above, minus the sprinkles and caramel/brown sugar.

  12. Now that you mention it, they taste almost exactly like chocolate digestive biscuits, which I dearly love and haven't found in a store since I moved from Fairfax in 1996

  13. I have a similar recipe that using Saltines

  14. I'm trying to remember how I got the ads. They had sign ups for them & you went on a waiting list. But that was 2 years ago now

  15. Yeah the heat has sent them into hibernation mode but they seem to wake right up whenever chocolate is invovled

  16. I was eating the crackers with Nutella when I remembered I had this recipe.

  17. What a great idea! With a tween age son and teen age son I need all of the ideas I can get for stick to your ribs kind of snacks. And my daughter would appreciate the sprinkles. Thanks!

  18. These look great! I love the dinosaurs! I'm a new follower from blog frog!

  19. Those look really good.

    My wife makes something similar, but the base is saltines (you know, like Premium Plus) instead of graham crackers, so there's a salty/sweet thing going on.

  20. Yummy, choccie Digestives! Don't you have good chocolate biscuits in USA? You do have other really lovely food though, which we don't have here. Mind you, I missed Heinz baked beans, cheese and Marmite while we were away in USA (the cheese was dire and the baked beans very different - kind of nice, but different).

    I went to Fairfax (as in VA?) in 2001, for a month, with DH, who was working there. His firm paid for an appartment for him and he replaced his Business Class ticket with 3 "Cattle Class" for us all (DS was 3). We had only to pay for our food and entertainment while we were away.

    Me & DS had a great time. We went into Washington DC on the metro quite often, as an all-day ticket for me was only $5 after 9:30am. We explored the Zoo and Natural History Museum several times, as they were free (I love the Smithsonian Institute!!), also the Children's Museum (not free, but reasonable), where we played with toys and a big firetruck, made Inca Hot Chocolate, visited a Mexican Village... it was great. We saw the Space Museum also.

    There was a mall on the way, where we went to explore, shop and play with other kids (it was January, so often cold. The Mommies used to meet up at a big carpeted area in the centre of the mall, which had low walls round it. Someone would bring a ball, or balloons and all the little kids played together. It was great for James, because he obviously didn't know anyone locally. In the third week, we met a lady there, who looked after her little grandson. She came from Lancashire, UK originally, but her husband was an American - a diplomat. She lived in Fairfax with her daughter and grandson. Jason was so cute and she was a lovely lady. She took us out in her car, visited us at our appartment so the boys could play and invited us to her house too. That was great, as the novelty was wearing off after 2 weeks with no friends.

    We also found a playground on the way to the Fairfax Mall (Borg Street), where we could go by bus. We could get off the bus, play for about 40 minutes, then wait for the bus going back again! It was a lovely month away for us (not so exciting for DH who was working, but we saw him every day and went out together at weekends).


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