September round up

Katie the scrapbook lady does this round up every month & I always think to myself “Gee, you know, you ought to do that because half the time this stuff never makes it to the blog” This blog is also my journal so it makes sense to include it. Then I think “next month I am going to do it” but I never do.

I’ve decided this month is THE next month and I am doing it now.

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?

Absinthe of Malice, Scandal on Rincon Hill, Shades of Grey, Ask Alice, Buried Bones, Nemesis, Them Bones, The Kitchen Witch, Wicked Appetite, Death Without Tenure, The Raven & the Nightingale,The Maltese Manuscript, and Quieter Than Sleep

Cook’s Country & Rachel Ray magazines

What movies, television shows, plays, etc. did I watch this month?

I watched Castle, Big Bang Theory, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Total Drama World Tour and Futurama on tv. I rented DVD of several Brother Cadfael & Miss Marple mysteries, plus instant watched The IT Crowd and several Futurama movies.

What fun things did I do with my family and/or friends?

I went to a Tupperware party with Mel and played bunco with the girls. I helped out in Havoc’s class when they were making paper mache globes. Allergies kept me from doing much this month

What gifts did I give and/or receive?

Nothing given or received this month

What special or unusual purchases did I make?

I bought a new bag from Tumbuk2 and received the latest Kindle in exchange for the one I got my birthday

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?

Allergies and insomnia have occupied me this month. The allergies finally seem on the wane but the insomnia is as bad as ever. I tried melatonin this month for the insomnia but it has not been helpful

What were my accomplishments this month?

I made myself volunteer and help out in Havoc’s class. I made some great Taiwanese dishes and successfully cooked rice (once out of 4 tries but still, an accomplishment)

What were my disappointments this month?

I can’t control this insomnia. DH got sent to Connecticut for a week after being told he wouldn’t have to go.  The steamer failing utterly to cook the rice & making crunchy rice soup instead.

How did I do on my goals for the month? (Or any current short or long term goals)

My only goal this month was to survive the allergies. (I’m convinced that one of these day my hours long sneezing fits will result in a brain aneurysm). I was also hoping to keep up with LSNED but that wasn’t a goal so much as a fantasy & I did manage about half the days. Spending most of your time exhausted from lack of sleep and strung out on allergy meds is not really conducive to much of anything.

Anything else noteworthy to include?

Both boys had their first scouting meeting and it looks like poor DH may end up pack leader of their combined Tiger & Wolf troops (due to troop sizes and lack of other volunteers). He really does not have the time to deal with it so we’ll see how that goes.


  1. I just started watching Castle this season. It's actually pretty good.

  2. Big Bang Theory is my eldest's favorite show. She is in love with Sheldon. I have yet to watch an entire episode - I'm wondering if I should start at the beginning and rent an entire season at once?

  3. This is a nice idea! If I ever get organized enough to get back to blogging, I'd like to do something like it. thanks for the inspiration!

  4. What a good idea! I tend to feel like I record so much of my everyday on my blog already that I don't need something like this - LSNED has taught me otherwise, and there's a lot here that would never ordinarily get onto my blog. Interesting to see your answers, and thanks for the inspiration, too! xx

  5. Hi! I'm visiting from our SITS group (pug). You sure completed a lot of reading this month! What a cool round up.

  6. I also watched Castle, Warehouse 13 and Eureka, but sadly we have no new Big Bang Theory here in the UK at the moment.
    We're just about to get a new series, Haven. I'm hoping that's as good as Castle etc. The trailers look interesting.


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