Counting the blessings

1. Officially it’s bronchitis! This is a blessing because me & bronchitis go way back & once it is officially bronchitis, I am given the SERIOUS drugs. 875MG of amoxicillin! An inhaler, some heavy duty expectorant. Plus all the pro biotic stuff I have to take to offset all the the meds. I know I’ll probably be feeling better by Monday & if I am not the docs have already got SERIOUS drugs 2.0 lined up for Tuesday. (I have issues with chronic bronchitis)

2. DH, who got a new boss Monday, is still employed! Today is Friday, and payday & if they were going to fire him soon, today would have been the perfect day. But they didn’t. And they reinstated direct deposit!

3. I get to lay in bed all day in my pjs and everyone say ‘oh poor you.’. Not ‘get your lazy butt out of bed'

4. The kids are in school all day, so I can actually STAY in bed most of the day.

5. Lack of appetite has led to a 4lbs weight loss this week

6. There is lots of time to read when you lay in bed all day. Not on the computer because the wireless doesn’t reach the bedroom, but books.

7. I’ve almost finished Professor Layton & the Curious Village, which I will swap with a friend for her copy of Professor Layton & the Diabolical Box.

8. Orange juice tastes exceptionally good when I am sick. Like I am drinking health.

9. I honestly don’t care the house is a mess. Really.

What’s blessing you today?


  1. Yay for the drugs! Glad to hear you'll be on the mend once they kick in.

  2. Although I know you are enjoying being lazy, I do hope you feel better soon!

  3. YOu actually made bronchitis sound decadent: 4 lb weight loss, staying in bed all day, mojitos...oh wait, you said orange juice...whatever, you sound like you are taking care of yourself!

  4. That Olivia pooped in the toilet and not her pants. It was a happy moment.

  5. So glad you have a plan for getting better.

  6. I'm glad you've got a diagnosis, and very glad you can see all the positive in the situation - get better soon xx

  7. Good drugs are always a blessing. Hope you're feeling back to yourself soon. (Also, as someone who just recently ended a TEN YEAR stretch of being paid by paper cheque, I feel your direct deposit joy in ways you cannot imagine.)


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