Weekly Winners

Misty morning


Fall colors


Waiting for the bus


Me & my Kindle


For more Weekly Winners please visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. That first shot with the fog is so pretty. It really gives you a feeling a fall.

  2. Love seeing a picture of you! And the first vista is awesome.

  3. Stacey, that first shot took my breath away.
    LOVE the colors.
    Kindles are so awesome! I have my dad's second gen. because he bought himself the new one and I LOVE LOVE LOVE.

  4. really wonderful set! i love waiting for the bus.

  5. It's our area. It's too rural to have defined pick up areas & there are no sidewalks or safe places for kids to walk so it is just easier to send the bus down the road & stop at everyone's driveway. If we lived on a cul de sac or in a housing development with an entrance then the bus would stop at the entrance & all the kids would have to walk there, but we live on a regular road so the bus comes to us.

  6. Great snapshots of your 'everyday' :-)

    Does the school bus pick up from outside your house then? I get the impression that this is how it works in America - or is it only particular demographics? We generally have to make our own way to school; it might mean catching a bus, but we have to get to a bus-stop if so!

  7. Haha...love you and the Kindle...but me, I have my Nook.

  8. Misty morning is such a beautiful capture!

  9. Ah, that mist and then those fall colors. Beautiful!

  10. Nice pics and I'm still jealous over the Kindle! ;)

  11. These are some lovely photos, Stacey. I remember that first view photographed last winter, covered in feet of snow! I love that misty morning - it's really autumnal and pretty. Love the final photo - it's so nice to see pictures of blog friends; it seems to be something we don't often include in our blog posts.

  12. Love seeing that shot of you at the end! And it looks like there was some engaging conversation at the bus stop. :)

  13. Beautiful Fall photos! I love the reminder of fall as it's starting to be quite winter-y where I live.

    Stopping in from the SITS Photography group to say hi! :)


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