2010 recap

in data.

Because I love data.

Books I read this year in total – 130

from the library – 88

on my Kindle – 21

purchased new or used – 21

78 were mysteries – the Meg Langslow series was my favorite & I hated the Hannah Swenson series

9 were romances – Stephanie Laurens’ Black Cobra quartet was my favorite

4 were memoirs – I liked Tony Bourdain’s Medium Raw best

39 fall into ‘other’ – mostly historic fiction, straight fiction or humor with some non fiction mixed in. My favorite was the non fiction Time Traveller’s Guide to Medieval England

When I wasn’t reading I was taking photos.

I kept a whopping 2619 photos this year. God only knows how many I deleted in addition to those.

1505 were general everyday photos, both random and of events.

I took the most photos of that sort in April – 231 of them

and took the least photos of that sort in September – 24 of them

1114 photos (not including deletes) were needed to complete my 365 project.

68 of those were just of yours truly trying to get one decent photo a month.

December’s photo


Somehow, in between all the reading & photo taking I found time to

Start 11 craft projects – 5 crochet, 1 cross stitch, 3 sewing and 2 hybrid scrapping

Finish 9 of those projects, only the cross stitch and a pair of crocheted fingerless gloves remain incomplete.

Create 131 digital scrapbooking layouts,

and write 230 blog posts, including this one.

I had made some goals for this year. The big one being to take better control of my photo workflow & use more tags. I did manage most of that. I have a good system in place now to process my photos using Lightroom. But I did fail at the tagging.

2011 will the Year of the Tag!

I had a goal to comment more on blogs & respond more here and since ‘more’ is a rather loosely defined word requiring comparison to some other source & I have no way of keeping track of my commenting I can only say – it feels like I accomplished this goal somewhat. I think I’ll keep it around in 2011 as well because I think that while I did ok, I could do better.

The last goal, which has been hanging around as a goal since 2007, was to accept in my heart that veggies are more than just an inconvenient side dish to be microwave steamed at the last possible second. I believe I even foolishly said something about having one veggie meal a week by May.


I crack myself up sometimes.

I’m letting this one go. 4 years now I have tried to embrace veggies & it’s just not working well. My kids only eat raw veggies or pureed veggie soup, and zucchini frittatas. Which, granted is more than they ate 4 years ago but I think that is more a result of their growing up than anything I did. I’ll still experiment with some dishes but I’m not going to waste a lot of emotional & mental energy on it anymore.

I’d say something about weight loss, gym attendance, running a 5K, etc but it’d just be from peer pressure, not any great desire on my part. I go to the gym. I hate running outside. I like food, especially fatty food. This is who I am. Should weight loss happen…Yay! Should it not…meh.

I want too say thanks to all my readers this year, both the new and old. Seeing comments appear gives me a lift every day & I really do appreciate all of them & the friendships I have made from blogging.

I hope you all have a wonderful 2011.


  1. Great post ~ I love to see a life broken down into so many of this and so many of that. Happy New Year to you!

  2. I'm just amazed that you have the ability to track any of this. I have NO IDEA how much of anything I have done, read, or participated in!

  3. I really like that photo- it's festive yet kinda mysterious all at once! :)
    Happy New Year!

  4. Amen to the veggie thing. I can do a raw carrot or bell pepper and peas and corn (is corn a veggie?) but that's about it. Cooked veggies, other than peas and corn, make my tongue cry.

    I hope you have a wonderful 2011, Stacey!

  5. I should really keep a tally of the books I read each year. I feel like I've read so many this year and have no idea how many that actually was!

  6. Wow - numbers! They hurt my head (LOL!). I want to be better about photo organization definitely. My favorite memoir of the year was "Heart in the Right Place" and my favorite novel was "Cutting for Stone."

  7. Love the post in numbers! Happy New Year!

  8. Happy 2011!
    What design is your cross-stitch?
    What is a digital scrapbook? I find that photos take up most of the room on my computer. Some I turn into albums at snapfish or shutterfly, a few I print, and the rest ???

  9. Hey Stacey, that's some list! I'm impressed by what you did accomplish in 2010. Love that attitude with the weight - meh - yup, that sums it up! Happy New Year to you. I hope 2011 is another successful year for you!


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