New Thursday Next novel is out

And I finally found time to read it.

I’m at the part where Goliath Corp has taken over Spec Ops and hauled the fictional Thursday in on spurious charges of crimes against humanity, while she was in the middle being arrested along with an important cheese smuggler, not realizing she isn’t the real Thursday & there will be no actual blog post today.


It’s killing me being away from the narrative just to type this up.

If you have never read any of Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next books you have no clue what the hell I am babbling about.

If you have read them but not this one yet you are thinking “Goliath took over SpecOps? How in the hell did that happen?”

And I’m right there with you, so I’m getting back to the book to find out, though I suspect there will be no adequate backstory to this plot twist. Book World backstories are abundant but real world backstory is seriously lacking this time around.

Not a criticism. Just an observation.

If you haven’t read Fforde & you like reading & have a passing familiarity with English Literature I highly encourage you to pick up The Eyre Affair, the first in the series.

Or The Big Over Easy, which is equally wonderful & full of nursery rhyme characters.

Back tomorrow with real world stuff.


  1. I go away for a week and you greet me with THIS?!? Sheesh.

    I would have been more successful at comprehension had you just written, "apple, seven, green".

  2. Um, these are "grown ups" books, right? I am obviously missing something... although from ScFi Dad's comment, maybe I'm still sane enough and it's a certain other blogger whose losing the plot (literally and figuratively, I fear)!
    Maybe I will just jog on over to the library, get a copy of The Eyre Affair and see what the heck you're on about...
    It was a fun post though Stacey!

  3. That is an unfortunate side effect of these books. Any other book you can at least give an understandable description to people. Not these. But they are awesome, even if you can only talk about them with other people who have read them

  4. They are great books if you love reading & have a basic background in English Lit. Even without it they are fun books but there are so many lit references in them.

  5. Goliath took over SpecOps? How in the hell did that happen?

    PS Disqus probs seem to have been resolved. In fact, I even seem able to stay logged in for more than one comment at a time, for the first time ever.

    PPS Now need to source a copy of this book. Dinner can wait.

  6. That doesn't make sense. Goliath taking over Spec ops? I've got to get my hands on a copy of this. Wonder what my chances are of my local library not having a massive wait list...


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