Rainbow cookies

These are so easy to make. Just go get your favorite sugar cookie recipe & make it. (mine is from Joy of Cooking & includes cream cheese which makes a wonderful texture with these) Then divide it into 4 sections. My cookie dough recipe makes 48 cookies so I divided it into 8 batches. This was a tad excessive. 4 or 5 would have been fine. Get your hands on some gel food coloring. It has to be gel if you want the vibrant colors. The drop kind of food coloring is pretty much useless for this. The colors are pale & it changes the texture slightly. How much gel? Just this much. Dip the toothpick into the container, swirl it around, pull it out, stick it in one of the dough batches, swirl it around and then stir the dough until the color is spread through out. Chill the doughs in plastic wrap in the fridge for a couple hours. Then divide it into small sections with a butter knife Take 3-4 different colors & put them together. You want a lump ...